Thursday, September 01, 2011

Rowers concerned by lack of ice after navigating Arctic
Wishart said the crew, who detailed their experiences on a blog at, saw dozens of walruses and whales and about 10 polar bears, including one particularly brazen one.

In the first week of the trek, during a rare stop where they were able to pitch a tent on some land, a polar bear got dangerously close before it was forced away with a few warning blasts from a shotgun.

"We hadn't closed hatches to go to sleep . . . and there was the bear five feet away from the tent," Wishart said.

"We fired a couple of bear-bangers over the top and he took off, much to the anguish of the three people in the tent who got a rude awakening."
Pray that naysayers are right about climate change | David Horsey Cartoons and Commentary -
our only hope is that the deniers are not as crazy as they appear to be. | Denial Is A Flooded River In Manhattan…
What about deaths from the tornadoes that are now appearing in aberrational clusters and taking out entire towns and cities? Twenty-two people died across eight states last weekend during Hurricane Irene. It’s no longer a movie projecting futuristic fantasy: Global warming is taking a toll and we’re still allowing ignorance and denial about it to have play in our culture.

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