Saturday, September 03, 2011

Lockheed terminates Burlington partnership
Lockheed Martin's recent announcement that it is ending an eight-month climate-change partnership with Burlington doesn't mention local politics.
George Galloway speaks to a climate change denier Marc Morano - YouTube
George Galloway debates climate change with a climate change denier Marc Morano. Galloway asks him which of the two is the more trustworthy: A group of Scientists or a survivalist far-right Tea Partier who does not believe in climate change at all.

Originally broadcasted on talkSPORT 2nd September 2011.
"Die-hard" Californian environmentalists helping to "destroy planet"
Are "die-hard environmentalists" in California helping to "destroy the planet"? That could very well be the case, if one is to believe IPCC scientist Evan Mills, who has published the paper “Energy Up In Smoke: The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production.”
Farmer's Almanac predicts brutal winter for Prairie provinces
It'll be a year of teeth-chattering cold, late-season snowfalls and sunny summer days, according to the 2012 edition of the Old Farmer's Almanac.

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