Saturday, September 03, 2011

Nature News Blog: Cool climate paper sinks journal editor
In the unusual editorial, Wagner says “from a purely formal point of view, there were no errors in the peer review process. But, as the case presents itself now, the editorial team unintentionally selected three reviewers who probably share some climate sceptic notions of the authors.”
Articles: Pope Albert Issues a Bull
I was reminded on Lincoln's comment about an ineffectual pope's bull when I read the latest bull from Pope Albert Gore. He has proclaimed that anyone who does not say amen to all his globaloney is practicing the new "racism." Racism in the Church of Gore is the worst of all sins, you see. And Pope Albert is empowered to brand you with a scarlet "R" if you show any signs of doubt about his global warming Gospel.
Al Gore's convenient untruths about Alberta's oilsands
Pipelines are most environmentally safe way to ship oil
Australia’s Patrons of Climate Change Activism | Guy Pearse | The Monthly
It might seem like a diverse range of groups are all concluding independently that Gillard’s carbon price equals clean energy future, but they’re largely funded through two wealthy farmers: Robert Purves and Mark Wootton.

Robert Purves is the former chair and major shareholder of health group DCA; Mark Wootton is married to Eve Kantor, Rupert Murdoch’s niece. Through the Purves Environmental Fund (PEF) and the Poola Foundation respectively, they bankroll most of Australia’s best known environment groups, including many of those behind the “Say Yes” show.

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