Sunday, September 04, 2011

Opinion: The damaging impact of Roy Spencer's science — The Daily Climate
In his bid to cast doubts on the seriousness of climate change, University of Alabama's Roy Spencer creates a media splash but claims a journal's editor-in-chief.
The science doesn't hold up.

by Kevin Trenberth, John Abraham, and Peter Gleick
Unisys Is Changing Their Color Scaling On Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Maps | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations
A couple of weeks ago, Unisys announced they are changing the color scaling on their daily Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly maps. Refer to their post New Sea Surface Temp Anomalies Graphic. The following gif animation compares the old and the new presentations
- Bishop Hill blog - Why no resignation?
And this made it past the editorial team at Nature, the peer reviewers at Nature and the 2500 scientists in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report.

And has Philip Campbell resigned? Or Raj Pachauri?

This is why it's hard to give any credence to the utterings of the IPCC. Both they and the underlying scientific literature they claim to rely on are so corrupt, so bereft of any integrity, the idea of relying on them as the basis for public policy is absurd.
Well done the Scotsman! | ScottishSceptic
I’ve been waiting for someone in the Main stream media to pick up the CERN/Svensmark story. I may have missed another one of the “Main Stream Media” picking up the story. The Mail has been pretty stalwart in support for the Sceptics. But, this is certainly the first big Newspaper, arguably the main paper in Scotland, Scotland home of the most pro GW politicians of all parties it can be any one’s unfortunate to have, we in Scotland can be proud that at least our journalists are leading the end of this scam.

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