Sunday, September 04, 2011

Pachauri, CM for ban on plastic - The Times of India
UWAHATI: Chief minister Tarun Gogoi is serious about banning the use of plastic bags here after Nobel laureate for peace and renowned environmentalist, Rajendra K Pachauri, advocated a ban on Saturday.

Pachauri was speaking at the launch of the department of biotechnology's natural resources awareness club for school children or the DNA club. Set up by the Energy and Resources Institute, the purpose of the club is to promote awareness about bio-resources and educate students about the role of biotechnology in the Northeast.

"The Northeast is blessed with abundance of natural resources and we need to take appropriate care of this. I feel if children can be engaged in this mission of nature conservation, the outcome will be positive," said Pachauri, who is also the director general of TERI.

Pachauri added, "In this regard, I believe that this region can be a pioneer in making a bio-mass based society."

Speaking against the use of plastic bags, he emphasized how the use of jute bags can help the local economy grow.
Ten propositions on the climate crisis | Green Left Weekly
1. Profit maximisation is the iron rule of capitalism, setting limits to ecological reform. A profit-based economy that requires continuous economic growth makes ecological catastrophes inevitable.
Green-jobs implosion -
As President Obama crafts next week’s unemployment speech to Congress, he would do well to avoid a “green jobs” pitch — given what just happened to Solyndra, a Silicon Valley-based maker of solar panels that was the White House’s showcase enviro-project.
In California, for example, the environmental sector has actually lost jobs, not gained them.

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