Sunday, September 04, 2011

The question is, what earthly difference can we make?
Victoria University climate scientist Professor Roger Jones has calculated that if the rest of the world did not act and Australia reduced emissions until 2020, then did nothing else, Australia's policy would knock 0.0038 degrees off the global temperature rise by 2100.

Jones's best estimate is that in those circumstances, global temperatures would rise by 4.7674 degrees. If Australia also did nothing, the temperature rise would be 4.7712 degrees.
The Climate Emergency! | Real Science
Look guys. If we don’t quickly adopt some stupid, self-destructive taxes – then some really bad shit is going to happen sometime soon. We can’t say exactly what the problem is we are trying to stop, or what the taxes will do to stop whatever it is we are trying to stop – but we do know that 97% of all scientists agree that we have to try to stop it – whatever it is.

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