Friday, September 02, 2011

P.Z. Myers – Another Foot-stomping Global Warming Believer | Conservative Heritage Times
...P.Z. Myers is a biological scientist and likely doesn’t know much more about climate science than I do unless he has taken a special interest to learn about it on his own. But you don’t have to be a climate scientist to understand the state of the debate. The state of the debate is all around us. And it so obviously ain’t settled that I wonder why people like Myers still think they can bully people into believing that it is. If anything, this makes them look even more clueless because the state of the public debate has been turning decidedly against AGW in recent years. Do people like Myers and Gore only talk to each other? Did Myers not hear about that whole suppression of dissent and data cooking we learned about in that little affair commonly referred to as Climate Gate?
The Sooner State’s state of seeing climate change sooner | The Science Friday Blog
As Bebbo touches on in today’s strip, Oklahoma has also set all-time records for its lowest temperature, 24-hour snowfall, tornadoes in one month, and driest 11 month period.
Climate sceptics called every name in the book | The Australian
HAS any intellectual current ever been so disparaged and demonised, so ferociously harangued by the chattering classes, as climate-change scepticism?

Every slur in the book has been hurled at those who dare to question climate-change orthodoxies.

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