Friday, September 02, 2011

Warm fall expected to precede cold winter in North Dakota
But, coming off two cold, snow-filled winters, [National Weather Service meteorologist Joshua Scheck] also had some unfortunate news - the three winter months, December, January and February, could fall into a La Nina pattern.

So far, the outlook for those three months is calling for below-average temperatures statewide. Though there is no "strong signal" on what might happen with precipitation, Scheck said there is a La Nina watch in effect. During a La Nina winter, North Dakota tends to be colder and snowier than average.
Michael Levi: Energy, Security, and Climate » Blog Archive » Andy Revkin and I Talk About Keystone XL
Andy Revkin of the Times and I had a short chat about Keystone XL this morning. We discuss economics, climate, and politics. Here’s the video
Papantonio: Republicans Want Climate Science Removed From Textbooks - YouTube
Republicans and their corporate masters for years have been trying to keep the truth about climate change from reaching the American public. They work tirelessly to tell us that the earth isn't getting hotter; or that there is no scientific consensus that global climate change is real; or even that climate change is a GOOD thing because its going to open up shipping routes in the arctic. Their latest efforts, however, go far beyond their usual tactics, as they're now trying to get their anti-science agenda taught in public schools. Mike Papantonio discusses this issue with author Chris Mooney.
Md. Sen. Joins Hannah Among Arrested Protesters | NBC Washington
A Maryland state senator said he paid a $100 fine after being arrested outside the White House with other protesters while rallying against a plan to pipe oil from western Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

Sen. Paul Pinsky, D-Prince George's County, on Friday joined environmental activists who have been gathering outside the White House for the past two weeks to protest the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Pinsky said he was charged with misdemeanor failure to obey a lawful order.

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