Friday, September 02, 2011

The Al Gore Show: 24 Hours of Denying Reality « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
I could have done better in my career if I played along with the IPCC global warming talking points, which would have led to more funded contracts and more publications.

It is much easier to get published if you include phrases like, “…this suggests anthropogenic global warming could be worse than previously thought” in your study.

In contrast, Mr. Gore has made hundreds of millions of dollars by preaching his message of a “climate crisis”.

I would say that it is Mr. Gore who is the “climate denier”, since he denies the role of nature in climate variability. He instead chooses to use theory as his “reality”.
By giving in to Big Oil, Obama seals his political fate | Grist
Given how much more President Obama cares about the oil companies than the environmental movement, we might as well just let the oil companies take care of his reelection and focus our resources on congressional and state house champions.

That's not a happy state, given the threat embodied by Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and other Republicans, but it's one we will find ourselves in unless a progressive, pro-environment Democrat more concerned about job creation and protecting the planet recognizes Obama's dismal approval ratings and general inadequacy and steps up to give Democrats and the American people an alternative they can be excited about.
Environmental regulations come under spotlight in 'red tape challenge' | Environment |
The scrapping of environmental regulations this week became the focus of the government's "red tape challenge".

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