Friday, September 02, 2011

Obama Challenges Kids To Waste Their Lives Working On A Non-Problem Which They Couldn’t Do Anything About Anyway | Real Science
The more I think about this, the more I realize that he is by far the worst President. Even if climate models were correct, and even if everyone in the US moved into a cave and half of us died from Smallpox, the effect on the climate would be almost invisible. And you would never have any way of proving that you had “accomplished” anything anyway.

Kennedy inspired us to go the moon. Obama inspired us to sell our children’s future to his banker friends, and become a third world country.
Pa. withdraws from 5 federal pollution lawsuits | Associated Press
Meleah Geertsma, an attorney with the National Resources Defense Council, which is also a party to some of the cases, said the litigation will move forward, but Pennsylvania seems to be taking a step back.

"We think it's an indication the state is moving in the wrong direction on air pollution regulation," she said in the story published Friday.
- Bishop Hill blog - +++Journal editor resigns+++
This is quite extraordinary. Can it really be believed that Wagner heard "in various internet discussion fora" that the paper was wrong and on that basis has resigned?
Insightful Interview In EOS Of Dr. De-Zheng Sun “Climate Dynamics: Why Does Climate Vary?” | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
In the AGU monograph Climate Dynamics: Why Does Climate Vary?, editors De- Zheng Sun and Frank Bryan reinforce the importance of investigating the complex dynamics that underlie the natural variability of the climate system.

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