Friday, September 02, 2011

Shock News : Hudson Bay Polar Bears Survived Another Ice-Free Summer | Real Science
This makes about 15,000 ice-free summers in a row which the bears have survived.
NSF on Jones’ Email Destruction Enterprise « Climate Audit
During the time that I’ve been involved in climate, the U.S. NSF has had a pernicious role in enabling and endorsing Climategate conduct. This is not a new theme.
Car Buyers Aren’t Buying Obama’s Kool-Aid - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
But sales figures from August of this year — just one (four year) product cycle before the 2015 edict goes into effect — indicate that Americans simply are not drinking the Kool-aid. Even as gasoline hovered near $4 a gallon, the average fuel mileage of the top ten vehicles sold last month was just 23 mpg. The top two vehicles, the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado pick-ups, which account for almost 40 percent of total top ten sales, average just 17 mpg. The top two sedans, the Toyota Camry and Nissan Altima averaged 26.
Secretary Clueless - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
President Obama’s Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, will be at his side when he parachutes into downtown Detroit on Labor Day to celebrate his “investment” in American workers and green cars.

Solis, however, just bought an SUV made abroad.
She’s learned the Obama White House slogan: Do as I say, not as I do.

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