Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pajamas Media » Gore’s 24 Hours of Fantasy About To Begin
[Tom Harris] An effort to "expose" climate change skeptics will instead show that Gore is a charlatan.
Penn State Glaciologist Richard Alley First Winner of $10,000 Schneider [Climate Change Propaganda] Award | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media
Penn State University glaciologist Richard B. Alley is the winner of the initial Stephen H. Schneider Award for Outstanding Climate Science Communication, administered by Climate One, a sustainability initiative of the nonprofit Commonwealth Club of California.
Alley is to receive the $10,000 award at The Commonwealth Club on December 6 during the annual American Geophysical Union conference being held that week in San Francisco.

Prize Juror Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory — like Alley a Member of the National Academy of Sciences — singled-out Alley’s research on “how fast and how high will sea levels rise, and what can past climates tell us about the sea level changes we might expect to see over the 21st century.” The jury referred to Alley’s 2010 House of Representatives testimony, in which he used his bald spot to explain a complex point about ice age cycles, as “a moment of Schneider-like brilliance.”
The jury consisting of Santer, Stanford Professor and Chair of the Economics Department Larry Goulder, and Yale Forum Editor Bud Ward reviewed nominations from a broad spectrum of climate science and communications professionals. The jury decided unanimously that Alley “exemplifies the rare ability to be both a superb scientist and superior communicator in the mold of Stephen Schneider.”
Al Gore’s 24-hour spectacle - Lindsey Hoshaw - Bright Green - Forbes
Six hosts including Renée Zellweger, will be stationed in New York to ask questions of correspondents during their one hour presentation.
“Al Gore taught more people about climate change than anyone in history,” McKibben said. “I’m glad he’s willing to keep trying, even in the face of the endless abuse he’s taken.”

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer it’ll be interesting to see if this event has any effect on people’s thoughts about climate change.
“We’re thinking of this like an Arab Spring or Climate Spring of 2011,” Fox said. “We have to stay connected as a global community.”

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