Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Reference Frame: James Hansen plans to arrest Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
Hansen as a leader of the alarmist climate science

I would like to stress that James Hansen isn't a random John Cook whom I cherry-picked only because his texts are the best proof of the intellectual impotency and marginal insanity of the advocates of the global warming threat. In reality, James Hansen is also arguably the most respected alarmist climate scientist in the world. He's being respected as a celebrity not only by Greenpeace but by a large part of apologists for the meme that we face a dangerous climate change.

How did it happen? How could it happen despite Hansen's obvious marginal insanity? Well, it actually happened not just despite his marginal insanity; it has largely happened because of that. People and organizations such as Greenpeace have simply been the most important drivers that were influencing the composition of the climate change community in recent decades. Many of them tried to show their true colors in a less obvious way than Greenpeace but the logic was really structurally isomorphic. And what they needed were lunatics similar to the Greenpeace members themselves - who could however pretend that they can also work as average, productive scientists at the same moment so that they are more socially acceptable than the nuts who just hug and climb the trees and chimneys and eat assorted roots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hansen supports civil disobedience, yet wants to arrest Clinton and Obama for doing what they feel they need to for the good of the country.