Monday, October 24, 2011

Healing the planet: Gore-inspired warmist hopes to prevent hurricanes by powering jet planes with coconut oil; he also wants to make money by sending hundreds of thousands of people on unnecessary fossil-fueled trips into space

BusinessDay - RICHARD BRANSON: Jetting towards sustainability
our goal is to have many Virgin Atlantic planes running on the new low-carbon fuel within three years, starting with those flying Shanghai to London and Delhi to London routes, then expanding to the UK and around the globe.

For years, people have doubted the practicality of using sustainable fuels — it would be great to prove them wrong. Ultimately, we hope that other airlines will follow Virgin Atlantic’s example and the industry’s carbon footprint will be radically decreased.
Bransons, space tourists anxious for maiden flight
"The aim is not just to make dreams come true for the people who can afford $200,000," he said. "The aim is make dreams come true for hundreds of thousands of people. ... That's a dream I think that we will make a reality one day."

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