Thursday, November 03, 2011

The New York Times (Inadvertently) Demolishes Mann’s Defence « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
For the reading-challenged amongst us, the point is that secrecy and refusing to share research material is the perfect environment for fraud. That’s why every sharing tool is important including FOI.
CO2 Equals Temperature – Even If It Doesn’t | Real Science
CO2 is increasing very quickly, but temperatures have been flat or down for almost 15 years. Someone with a functional brain might recognize that they need to mentally decouple CO2 from temperature.
Biggest Jump Ever in Global Warming Pollution in 2010, Chinese CO2 Emissions Now Exceed U.S.'s By 50% | ThinkProgress
Chinese emissions now exceed ours by a whopping 50%. They will be double ours by 2010 if they keep on their rapacious, immoral path of weekly coal-plant building — and we keep on our rapacious, immoral path of doing nothing
Four Corners To Get Slammed With Snow Again | Real Science
Heavy snow in Arizona in mid-autumn. A sure sign of excess trapped heat. Wolf Creek Ski area in Southwestern Colorado had the earliest opening on record a month ago – with three feet of snow.
Not a skeptic | Climate Nonconformist
Journalists have been quite happy to expand their definition of a “skeptic” when it suits them, as in the case of Muller, but when assessing the number of skeptics in the population, just as easily tighten their definition in order to pass us off as an “endangered species“.

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