Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Unmaking Of A True Believer | Real Science

It quickly sank in that climate was cyclical, not linear. CO2 was accelerating upwards, but temperatures were getting colder. As a scientist and and engineer, I had to look elsewhere for answers.

What has surprised me is watching the spectacular dishonesty of the climate science community as this has unfolded. Previously I was under the impression that scientists were generally honest people, but now I have my doubts.

7,000 excess winter deaths in Australia and 1,500 in New Zealand each year « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Excess winter deaths are more than triple the number killed on the road.

Indur Goklany compares average daily deaths for each month in Australia and New Zealand and shows that in both countries (like in much of the rest of the world) there are more deaths in the cooler months.

While climate change legislation aims to make the world cooler, statistics show that the cooler months consistently have higher mortality.

Pachauri Interviewed by Pretend Journalist « NoFrakkingConsensus

It’s no mystery to me why Pachauri appeared to be as serene at the end of the interview as he was at the beginning. He was, after all, spared the most obvious question by this green-activist-pretending-to-be-a-journalist.

4 straight days of at least minus-35 boosts sales for Fairbanks stores selling warm clothing | The Republic

The National Weather Service says temperatures of 35 below for four straight days had never occurred so early in winter.

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