Friday, December 30, 2011

Brace! Brace! : NYT article by Leslie Kaufman incoming! « Tallbloke's Talkshop

Two years ago I made a discovery concerning solar system dynamics which leads me to believe that changes in planetary surface temperatures partly involve long term and shorter term cyclic phenomena related to the changing disposition of solar system masses and their electromagnetic activity.

The Sun’s Impact On Earth’s Temperature Goes Far Beyond TSI – New Paper Shows

Recall that the CO2 warmists in their half-baked models stubbornly keep focusing only on total solar irradiance (TSI), which itself varies only about 0.1% over an 11-year cycle (and thus by itself is no real climate driver) and ignore all the other amplification mechanisms. Well, the results of this study, as do dozens of others studies, show you can’t do that. Like it or not – the sun is a real player. Eventually the CO2 warmists will have to admit this, as anyone with even just an inkling of intuition would do.

2011 Was the Year of the Restless Sun by Nola Taylor Redd, | Solar Cycle 25

After five years of surprising quiet, the sun roared to life in 2011.

Our star erupted with numerous strong flares and waves of charged particles. Many researchers predict the surge will culminate in a peak in the sun's 11-year activity cycle in 2013.

California low carbon fuel law blocked by federal judge | Watts Up With That?

Ow, that’s gotta hurt. CA’s 2006 Global Warming law – denied.

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