Friday, December 30, 2011

For Entrepreneurial 'Change Agents,' a Green M.B.A. -

Dr. Goodstein anticipates that many graduates will start their own green-minded businesses

Lying With Numbers: Green Energy Edition - Forbes

And that, in the end, is where the lie really is. In the attempt to sell us renewables the assumption is made that energy usage will halve. But energy usage halving has nothing at all to do with renewables, it has to do with energy efficiency. And when we compare energy efficiency plus fossil fuels with energy efficiency plus renewables we find that the renewables are twice the price of the fossil fuels.

So to say that the green energy revolution will cost about the same as fossil fuels is, well I call it a flat out lie.

And aren’t we lucky that we are forced, at gunpoint, to pay the salaries of those who lie to us so grievously?

Europe's Green Airline War

The anticarbon movement has already done enough harm by increasing the cost of energy and wasting money on subsidies for ethanol and other renewables that can't compete on their own. Now it may start a trade war, which may be the only language that Eurocrats understand.

Hansen's explanation of why the oceans are not warming

One doesn't need to go into the physics involved to see that this is bad science. It is in fact a particularly egregious example of a post hoc explanation -- being wise after the event in layman's terms. Such explanations get as little respect in science as elsewhere.

Such explanations are given when something predicted by theory fails to occur -- and when there is one clear confounding factor they can have some status. But Hansen's paper has no such status. He has to invoke a whole range of special influences, some of which seem to be entirely imaginary. Without any evidence for it he extends the influence of the Pinatubo eruption to two decades, which is wildly outside the normal expectation of a couple of years at most. The paper is a patent work of desperation.

On the amusing side, he admits an effect of solar variations, something long denied by Warmists, including himself.

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