Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Would Consumers Object to a Policy That Forces Them to Buy Expensive Products They Do Not Want? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Why pay so much more, especially when—as with CFLs, the
cheapest alternative—performance may be inferior?
Supposedly because you save enough on energy and replacement costs
to justify the investment. If so, why not let bulb manufacturers
make that case to consumers, who can then decide for

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greg should also consider the liability of his ISP for his remarks about Tallbloke. In the USA there is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which states that:

"No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider"

In the UK ISP's are subject to EU Directives. In particular the European Union’s Electronic Commerce Directive, which has been enacted into UK law. Under this legislation, I understand that an ISP or major web site has no liability for libel provided they are unaware of the defamatory material on sites hosted or operated by them.

However, once they become aware of potential libel they must immediately remove it or they lose the defence of being unaware of the defamatory material.

In the case of Greg, if a court found that he had libelled Tallbloke, then it could also find that Greg's ISP or the site on which his blog is hosted, becomes 'guilty' of libel.

That this is taken extremely seriously by US companies is evidenced by the letter written to the UK Government last year by a number of ISP's and major website providers' advocating that online libel law be changed, so that they do not have to ‘play judge and jury’ over what is written on sites they host and operate.

So I hope that Tallbloke's lawyer has contacted any companies involved in operating or hosting Greg's blog and informed them that they consider what Greg has written to be libel and should be immediately removed. In addition they should ask them to ensure that any further such remarks about Tallbloke are also immediately removed from Greg's blog so as not to compound any defamation.