Monday, January 09, 2012

Make debt crisis like global warming—Frank j. Fleming -

To really get people to pay attention like they do with global warming, though, we’d need more specifics on when the disasters would hit. With the environment, scientists always predict world-ending disaster 10 years from now, or at least they have been for decades.

American Thinker: Solar Sagging

Solar power is a high cost way of generating an intermittent and variable supply of electricity from a very dilute source while sterilising a large area of land.

The solar industry is only efficient at one thing - extracting unearned profits from tax payers and other electricity consumers.

As the growing global austerity starts to bite, all such frippery will evaporate.

The sagging market for solar panels is merely heralding that emerging reality.

1 comment:

John said...

Actually the "scientists" predicted disaster for the decade 2010-2020 about 40 years ago and have stuck to that prediction. See The Limits to Growth.