Monday, February 27, 2012

Climate Change Could Cause Killer Hurricanes in NYC: A simulation model by Princeton researchers warns of storms "the likes of which have not been seen" -

According to climate prediction models, in 2100, storm frequency could increase by as much as 290 percent, although one of the models actually projected a 15 percent decrease in storm frequency.

Under Oppenheimer's worst-case scenario, a hurricane the size of the one that hit New York City in 1821--which buried Manhattan under 10 feet of water--would have to strike at high tide. In the Princeton simulation, a storm of that magnitude could put Manhattan under more than 15 feet of water. Manhattan's current sea wall is just five feet tall, which, even under present conditions, makes it "highly vulnerable to extreme hurricane-surge flooding," the report says.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurricanes, as 1821, due to COLD, will rise because we entered a new ice-age, and priesthoods think that we will obey their blacklists, but the contrary is most probable, see Mayas, Aztecs, Incas.