Friday, March 23, 2012

The Colder Side of Global Warming

There has been a stunning disconnect involving land temperatures globally and CO2, whether man-made or naturally sourced.  The Oceans continue to warm, while the surface record flatlines.

Met Office : Making Their Own Dreams Come True | Real Science

So three years later, the Met Office retroactively altered historical data, to make their original forecast correct.

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

March 22, 2012:  A recent flurry of eruptions on the sun did more than spark pretty auroras around the poles.  NASA-funded researchers say the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years.

“This was the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley Research Center.  “It was a big event, and shows how solar activity can directly affect our planet.”

Spread Reckoning: U.S. Suburbs Face Twin Perils of Climate Change and Peak Oil [Excerpt]: Scientific American

Gas is so cheap, I don't even think twice about driving alone in my car less than a mile to the grocery store, just because I want an errand done faster. Gas is so cheap, my father-in-law can use a snow plow in the winter, instead of a shovel. Gas is so cheap, my mother can go for a ride through the woods on a four-wheeler, just for fun.

A Global Coup D’etat « Black's Whitewash

This is the first part of a two-part article that will expose the truth about Richard Black’s involvement in the global  agenda of Stakeholder Forum. Part one will focus on Stakeholder Forum. Part two will go into detail about how Richard Black has aided their cause, with the full knowledge of his BBC bosses. I will also show how he has been paid by them and will be paid by them to help them achieve their goals at RIO.  This is not to be taken lightly and I ask you to spread this far and wide.

More fakery from “Forecast The Facts” | Watts Up With That?

(Note: I can back Mike up on this, I’ve been getting several letters like this from my TV Meteorologist friends from around the country, all nearly identically worded. – Anthony)

The “Climate” Word Now Getting Dropped From Discussions About Energy In Germany

In the past he always based the need to switch to renewable energy on “climate change”. Not anymore it seems. Except maybe once in passing, Röttgen didn’t mention the word “climate” once. In fact no one uttered it. It appears that protecting climate has lost its appeal.

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