Friday, March 23, 2012

Radio Free Delingpole: a Prophet Without Honour….. – Telegraph Blogs

Bill Gates: ‘Not possible’ to reduce fossil fuel use |

“There’s not a single year where we’ve put out less, even when we had the economic recession, because China and India are moving ahead.”

I Scream, You Scream, Kiribati Screams For Money

Then there’s the slightly inconvenient study, reported in 2010, that the islands are actually expanding, not shrinking. Professor Paul Kench of Auckland University co-authored a study with Dr. Arthur Webb, a Fiji-based expert on coastal processes, finding that “Eighty percent of the islands we’ve looked at have either remained about the same or, in fact, got larger… we’ve now got evidence the physical foundations of these islands will still be there in 100 years,” as he told New Scientist magazine.

In fact, in Kiribati, they found, “the three of the most densely populated islands, Betio, Bairiki and Nanikai, also grew by between 12.5 and 30 per cent.”

But even if the islands aren’t shrinking or sinking, the sea could be salinating their fresh water supply. Which is a whole ‘nother problem, and if the case, then certainly one the international community should look at sanely and rationally.

But lay off crying “global warming” wolf. 

1818 Greenland Meltdown : “remarkable disappearance of the ice” | Real Science

1894 : Dozens Of Whole Counties Destroyed By Fire In Minnesota And Michigan | Real Science

According to Hansen, 1894 was one of the coldest years on record, with CO2 at very safe levels.

Where the depot stood was a burned charred hand; further down the track lay a woman’s leg, while out in the surrounding country are human trunks, heads or bones. Late in the afternoon the body of a man with his intestines exposed and his body black as coal was brought into town along with a child’s fearfully burned body and a man’s leg and shoe.

Dennis Ambler: Lisa P Jackson – EPA Administrator: Fulfilling the UN Mission |

The EPA is effectively no longer under the control of the US Congress; its allegiance is to the UN and implementation of the policies of Sustainable Development via Agenda 21.

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