Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why conservatives 'deny' global warming | Australian Climate Madness

Chris Mooney's psychological assessment of anyone who disagrees with the global warming narrative (particularly those on the right of politics) is worth a look, if only for a few chuckles

Vampire bats? Must be a slow news day at Climate Progress | Watts Up With That?

Almost every day, the ridiculo-meter pegs over at Joe Romm’s place. But today is special. He neuters his own headline in the very first paragraph. I just had to share the laughs.

Yes, the vampire bats are coming to get us thanks to climate change, or maybe not.

UHI In Phoenix Has Caused At Least Eight Degrees Warming Since 1960 | Real Science

Muller says that UHI isn’t important. With only eight degrees of urban nighttime warming, pin head alarmists are surprised that we don’t have as many record lows as we used to.

Why did the ABC not ask one sceptical question? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Basic journalism would suggest that you at least ask a warmist scaremonger whether those climate models he’s “tweaked” can be relied upon to forecast the future, when they failed to predict no warming over the past decade:

UHI In Barrow Has Caused 3C Nighttime Warming | Real Science

I can’t imagine why we have fewer record lows now.

IBD: Obama Refuels Jimmy Carter’s Failed Energy Policies | JunkScience.com

While President Obama talks about how forward-looking he is when it comes to the nation’s energy, almost everything he’s proposing is just a retread of Jimmy Carter’s failed policies from the 1970s.

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