Monday, April 30, 2012

Alarmists Now Trying To Disown Their High Priest | Real Science

From Schmidt 2005 to Miller 2012: the “not needed” excuse for omitted variable fraud | Watts Up With That?

That is a LOT of speculation. Normally it is all hidden. They just say, “we did a model run,” but this is what it actually means: ten thousand questionable steps iterated a hundred thousand times. It is fine for people to be working on these models and trying to make progress with them, but to use them to make claims about what is actually happening in the world is insane, and using them as an excuse for ignoring actual empirical evidence is worse than insane.

This really is a new kind of science, and not one that stands up to scrutiny. We are being asked to turn our world upside down on the strength of the most elaborate speculations in the history of mankind, yet Schmidt thinks it is cloud microphysics—traditional science!—that should be eschewed. All to justify the destruction of the modern world, now well underway.

Hansen Says We Can Avoid 1945 Conditions By Going Back To 1945 Conditions | Real Science

Hansen says that we must lower CO2 in order to prevent the climatic conditions which we had when CO2 was lower.

If this isn’t clear, report for your lobotomy at Hansen’s drowned Manhattan office.

Sawmill Explosions Linked to Climate Change |

With diminishing snow packs, trees lack sufficient water to endure summer drought conditions. The weakened trees are attractive hosts for the beetles. Beetle-killed trees are dry. Dry timber generates much more sawdust.

The New Nostradamus of the North: Canada: $779 million of taxpayers´ money wasted on carbon capture project

Another "green dream" goes down the drain, this time in Canada. The major private partners have plugged the plug on the $1.4-billion carbon capture and storage project in Alberta:

Chile getting pounded with snow

“Looks like winter’s started early in the southern hemi,” says Josh.

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