Monday, April 30, 2012

Bummer: "The bad energy from burning that gallon [of gas allegedly] ultimately outweighs the good energy by a factor of about 40 million"

Quark Soup by David Appell: An Impressive Fact About Carbon Dioxide

Here's an interesting statistic(*) from the conclusion of David Archer's book The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth's Climate:

"If we add up the total amount of energy trapped by CO2 from the gallon of gas over its atmospheric lifetime, we find that our gallon of gasoline ultimately traps one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) kilocalories of useless and unwanted greenhouse heat. The bad energy from burning that gallon ultimately outweighs the good energy by a factor of about 40 million."

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