Extreme cures for extreme sea level projections | Watts Up With That?
The controversy about moving people from near-shore sites raises two questions: is the alarming rise in sea level projected by CSIRO reliable, and is moving people the correct response?
The government, although not yet ready to say so, has finally rejected the bogus economics of climate change or, more likely, it always knew the figures didn’t add up but is now desperate for the internationally competitive cheap energy needed to keep our industrial base from wholesale emigration.
The gap between comfort and chaos in modern civilisation is alarmingly narrow and defined by a four-letter word: fuel.
[April Fools at] RealClimate: ‘Wrong sign paradox’ finally resolved?
Peter C Glover: Why the EU Airline Tax Won’t Fly | JunkScience.com
India has just banned its airlines from submitting any carbon emission data by the EU’s March 31 deadline. In February, the two Asian giants, along with 21 other countries including the United States, signed up to the Moscow Declaration, a strategic blueprint for global trade ‘war’. It has a single aim: to make sure the EU’s Airline Tax never gets off the ground.
While the EU’s unelected Climate Czar Connie Hedegaard bullishly dismisses threats from the Moscow group of nations as “hypothetical” – exactly how is a cancelled order for planes “hypothetical” Connie? – actual elected leaders in European capitals are unlikely to remain as sanguine. Well before the first payment Airline Tax invoices are mailed in 2013 it becomes clear just how economically damaging a global trade war would be to European national economies.
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