Thursday, April 26, 2012

Group: Michelle Obama’s Spain trip cost taxpayers $467k

Among the various travel costs, the group estimated — using the Defense Department’s 2010 published hourly rates — that it cost the government $199,323 to fly to Spain and back to the United States.

The New York Times reported that those on the trip included the first lady, one of her daughters and “two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.”

Why Is The White House Protecting EPA Official Who Would Crucify Big Oil? -

Abuse Of Power: An EPA official who apparently made good on a threat to "crucify" an oil company to make the entire energy industry "easy to manage" should resign or be fired. So why is the White House protecting him?

EPA regional administrator for Dallas Al Armendariz told a city council meeting in a taped speech two years ago that his "philosophy" of enforcement was to single out an oil company, punish it "as hard as you can," and make an example of it to scare others into submission.

Youth and naiveté no match for maturity and experience | Australian Climate Madness

Rose's low point was her introduction to Marc Morano. She refused to engage with someone who was "not a climate scientist". Neither was her first "expert", the farmer, but that didn't stop Minchin from listening politely. Her petulant schoolyard attitude unfortunately betrayed her youth and inexperience, and harmed her cause. Morano was pretty well controlled in the circumstances.

The intellectual vacuum – alarmists are afraid of debate, they namecall and break laws of reason « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Well well. I just watched the online streaming version. We did 4 hours of footage at our house, and they showed not one single point I made, not one answer to Anna Roses questions. I repeated my favourite lines about 28 million weather balloons, 3000 ocean buoys off by heart at least 4 times. Obviously everything I said was too “dangerous”. But we have the full tape of the whole event, so sooner or later the world will see the parts that the ABC deemed to be not “interesting” to the Australian public. So all in all, pretty much as we expected. They trimmed it down to the point where it’s tame, they gave the alarmists the last word (they always do), and while they were happy to grill us about where our money came from just like Wendy Carlisle, when the question backfires (because we are not shills for anyone) they won’t show it. We can’t let the public know that Jo Nova and David are volunteers.

The Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation Makes $40 Million in Funding Available for Energy Efficiency Projects - Business Review Canada

Since 2007, Alberta companies that annually produce more than 100,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions are legally required to reduce their greenhouse gas intensity by 12 per cent. One option for compliance is payment into the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund - $15 dollars for every tonne over the reduction limit. By the end of 2010, the Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund had amassed more than $254 million

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