Thursday, April 26, 2012

Koch-backed group hits Obama on green energy waste | Reuters

(Reuters) - A conservative group backed by the billionaire Koch brothers on Thursday unveiled a $6.1 million advertising blitz in eight election swing states that accuses President Barack Obama of wasting billions of dollars on green energy.

 The 60-second ad from the Americans for Prosperity group accuses Obama of spending on green energy initiatives that have led to little job creation and says that some of that money has instead gone abroad.

 "This administration has had an obsessive focus on their global warming agenda," the group's president, Tim Phillips, told reporters, adding that the ad is a new effort to challenge the "flawed idea from the left that government can create prosperity using taxpayer money."

Warm-mongers exposed again: Kent | Columnists | Opinion | Toronto Sun

It’s handy to have evidence-based arguments when you have to almost daily listen to pan handling scientists with a vested interest in convincing you otherwise. 

Lovelock hemlock to climate alarm | Daily Telegraph Miranda Devine Blog

The only tactic they haven’t pulled - yet - is to pick on his age and imply he’s lost his marbles, when he sounds more rational than ever.

Will any of the rats jumping from this sinking ship ever admit what damage they did to the environmental cause by their hysterical overreach, their lies, distortions and bullying abuse of those who don’t fall into line?

They have created a generation of people who don’t care about the environment and don’t respect science.

It’s a huge own goal, but it rebounds on us all.

Review & Outlook: 'Crucify Them' -

It's no secret that the bosses at the Environmental Protection Agency hate fossil fuels. But few are as candid as Al Armendariz, the regional administrator who says the agency's "general philosophy" is to "crucify" oil and gas producers.


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