Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Prominent Green Denounces Carbon Offsets | The Resilient Earth

Let us give thanks to Professor Anderson for denouncing carbon offsets for what they are—a meaningless sop to overburdened green consciences, a smokescreen for the actions of the rich and famous, and a money making scam for those running the game. So the next time some green nitwit tries to tell you they are carbon neutral because they buy offsets tell them to sod off. But then, to believe in global warming in the first place says something about a person's mental faculties. It really isn't so surprising that they would fall for eco-indulgences as well.

Institutional Environmentalism: Less about Hugging Trees, More about Bringing America to Her Knees

Gulfport sets record low temperature - Breaking News - SunHerald.com

GULFPORT -- Gulfport set a record low temperature this morning of 41 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

The last record set was 43 degrees in 2005, said Shawn O'Neil, a meteorologist with the NWS in New Orleans.

Record low set at airport Tuesday morning | Palm Beach Weather Matters

The low of 53 degrees early Tuesday morning at Palm Beach International Airport set a record for the date, eclipsing the 55 degree mark in 1998.

Global Warming Gurus Beat The Retreat :: The Market Oracle

Once upon a time, about 2009, it was practically impossible to say you do not believe in so-called "anthropogenic" global warming, or any kind of global warming - and try getting a job in anything that smacks of carbon finance or renewable energy, let alone the upstream of energy policy.

At the time and due to a small band of supposed guru geniuses given instant access to all government-friendly media, backed by showmen allies like Al Gore, there was Only One Possible Theory. The nearest comparison is Trofim Lysenko's delirious genetic theories which Stalin liked and approved - and used as one more prop in his quest for permanent and total power. From 1964 however, Lysenko was dumped by the new Krushchev power elite, and his ridiculous theory went down the drain. Exactly the same is happening to global warming hysteria, today.

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