Friday, April 27, 2012

Ukraine Loses 20% of Winter Grains After Drought, Center Says - Businessweek

Ukraine lost 20 percent of its winter grains after a cold snap killed plants weakened by a drought, and the winter-wheat harvest is set to plunge 44
percent, the national weather center said.

...Drought last fall damaged about 33 percent of Ukrainian winter grains, Kiev-based researcher UkrAgroConsult said in January. The country was among nations in eastern Europe affected by a cold snap that month and in February that killed more than 100 people, stranded tens of thousands in their homes and hampered road, rail and sea traffic.

C3: Electric Car Advantages? Obama's 'MPG' Fraud For EV's Is Ripping Off Consumers - Time To 'Crucify' EPA Bureaucrats?

The electric car advantages that the Obama administration touts turns out to be a giant scam perpetrated by the EPA bureaucrats - you know, the same bureaucrats 'crucifying' the fossil fuel energy industry in order to make energy costs skyrocket

Carbon Dioxide moves to the back of the bus « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

Concluding slide from Salby’s talk.

Nanaimo News Bulletin - Climate consensus simply doesn’t exist

The fact that the trace gas carbon dioxide is now a bit less trace than it was in the past millennia is insignificant if CO2 is not a major driver of climate change and so was not mentioned in my guest column.

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