“I’m willing to risk my arrest, because if Heartland Institute gets its way, it could be the end of civilization as we know it,” stated Alice Coffey an activist who risked arrest at today’s event.
“Anyone who can deny climate change has never been to Texas where there is an historic record drought caused by the climate crisis, or Arizona, where we no longer have monsoon season, but haboob season – just wind, and dirt and heat, but no rain,” said Ian Fecke-Stoudt, who also participated in the climate confrontation.
A second group held a rally outside the event earlier in the day. Scores of activists demonstrated outside the Hilton Hotel protesting the Institute and the Conference while a banner was dropped from a hotel window.
“The Heartland Institute exists to spread climate disinformation to protect the profits of the few,” said Josh Trost of Rising Tide Chicago. “Climate Deniers have no right participating in policy discussions. Daily, the global scientific consensus strengthens as planetary health indicators decline. Each lie is a theft from the remaining time we have to act to limit escalating climate chaos..
Fifteen Year Old Children In Australia Control The Weather
26 minutes ago
This is a full-on war of the Faithful vs the Infidels. After they outlaw our activities, deny us citizen rights, break our windows, burn down our houses what will they do to our disenfranchised, shivering persons?
The Enemy of the People. Ibsen should be around.
"Anyone who can deny climate change has never been to Texas where there is an historic record drought caused by the climate crisis, or Arizona, where we no longer have monsoon season..”
Um, Arizona is a desert state, and Texas is about half arid to semi-arid. How can anyone believe that a drought in these places is unusual?
A drought in Texas and Arizona is about as unexpected as frost in the Arctic.
This person cannot think for herself, she hass been brainwashed. Astonishing.
They are harping about the Great Lakes Water Level. Apparently they don't bother to research. If they did, the Corp of Engineers show that all the Lakes are at or above the long range average level. They panicked in 2005 because of low levels and thought it would never change. They are deceptive and off their rockers.
Way behind the times. It's already happened.
“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
• George Wald, Harvard Biologist 1970
I have lived all of my 50 years in the same central Texas city. The only thing that was different in the natural warming decades of the 80s, 90s and 2000s is that we did not have regular episodes of west Texas dust blowing into central Texas like we did in the natural cooling decades of the 60s and 70s.
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