Monday, June 11, 2012

Group says California air regulations discriminate | | San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - A coalition of environmental groups is alleging that California's Cap and Trade program violates the 1964 Civil Rights act.

The groups filed a complaint Friday against the California Air Resources Board charging that minority groups will be disproportionately harmed by the program that allows polluters to discharge more emissions by buying credits from other less-polluting industries.

The complaint alleges that African-Americans, Latinos and Asians are more likely to live in the low-income neighborhoods near refineries and power plants and will not receive the benefit of emission reductions intended under Cap and Trade.

The groups are asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to intervene.

Articles: 'Cap and Trade' For CO2 Needs a Stake through the Heart

CO2, however, is not a pollutant and will remain so unless or until the EPA can demonstrate that it is "harmful to human health and welfare.", the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. - DALLAS BLOG - Solar Energy, a Green Illusion

Global Warming alarmists must be alerted to the grave dangers of solar power along with other alternative energy patterns, which have greatly contributed to so-called climate change. Former vice President Al Gore may soon discover that touting oil & gas is less harmful to the environment than promoting the Obama Green Energy Plan.

Left-wing foundations: A quiet Leviathan | Washington Examiner

 Consider, for example, the group of family foundations associated with the libertarian Koch brothers. In total, the Koch-affiliated foundations have an estimated $200 million in assets. That may be enough to give the Left nightmares, but it's pocket change next to the Left's tremendous resources. The Ford Foundation, for instance, had $10.5 billion in assets as of 2010. Ford itself is dwarfed by the leading progressive philanthropy, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which in 2010 had an endowment of more than $33 billion. That number all by itself is three times the total of all 75 conservative foundations combined.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rockefeller funding is also a significant funding source of the left.