Department Of Stupid Statistics | Real Science
Statistics that must never be used are things like :
- The total number of hot days
- The trend in the number of hot days
- The number of days over 100 degrees
- The average high for the summer
- The decadal trend for hot days
- The hottest days of the summer
Most importantly – pick only very isolated one shot statistics to support the non-existent trend you are trying to prove.
We see the fossil fuel industry wasting taxpayer money in challenging efforts to curb climate change pollution.
Green Weenie of the Week: Think Kangaroos | Power Line
And so this week’s Green Weenie goes to (drum roll please) the government of Australia, which launched a carbon tax on July 1. Australia’s carbon tax, a key demand of the Green Party entering the coalition that enabled the Labour Party to form a government after the last election, is Australia’s answer to Obamacare: it is deeply unpopular, and the Liberal Party promises to repeal it if they win the next election. If the current polls are any guide, the Liberal Party will win in a landslide. One lesson here is that we should be thankful we don’t have the awful proportional parliamentary system here in the U.S. that enables marginal extremist parties to hijack entire nations. Here, Democrats can mostly ignore environmentalists (the battered spouses of American politics, as I argued once before) when the green weenies scream for carbon taxes.
Climate activists scuttle plans for ice-melting protest on Capitol Hill - The Hill's E2-Wire
Update: It appears the Capitol ice-melting plans had drawn the particular ire of Bob Kincaid, a prominent West Virginia activist who battles mountaintop removal coal-mining.
Kincaid, on his Twitter feed, bashed the ice plan in a stream of tweets directed at Friday. For instance, he called it “nasty and elitist” when people need ice and water in West Virginia, and wrote that it amounted to “slapping suffering, struggling ppl in the face.”
Record heat, derecho storm: Does global warming get blame? –
Derechos don't happen very often but with heat waves more common under climate projections, they would most likely increase in frequency and severity, says forest ecologist Chris Peterson of the University of Georgia in Athens.
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