Saturday, July 07, 2012

Great skiing at Mt. Baker Ski Area

Quote: “There was plenty of snow and there is great skiing to be done.” 

Look at these spectacular photos atop Mt. Baker on the 4th of July, 2012.

Britain facing its “worst ever” summer

New Little Ice Age’ extreme weather is taking over.”

A “nightmare.” “The weather has affected crops immensely.”

The folly of blaming the Eastern U.S. heat wave on global warming | Watts Up With That?

It isn’t global.

June 2012 U.S. Temperatures: Not That Remarkable « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

“But, Roy, the heat wave is consistent with climate model predictions!”. Yeah, well, it’s also consistent with natural weather variability. So, take your pick.

For the whole U.S. in June, average temperatures were not that remarkable.

What Is Causing The Climate To Unravel? | ThinkProgress

by Jeremy Symons, via  the National Wildlife Federation

Answer: One trillion tons of carbon pollution....we need to face up to the fact that our weather has turned dangerous because our climate is breaking down

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