Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Great Oklahoma Fraud Of 2011 | Real Science

Last year we were told that Oklahoma was the hottest place ever recorded in the US.

It turns out that the raw USHCN data for Oklahoma shows that it was the fifth coldest year on record, and that record maximums didn’t even rank in the top ten.

Two More Papers On the Complexity Of Climate Science | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Models predict that global warming may increase aridity in water-limited ecosystems by accelerating evapotranspiration. We show that interactions between warming and the dominant biota in a grassland ecosystem produced the reverse effect. In a 2-year field experiment, simulated warming increased spring soil moisture by 5–10% under both ambient and elevated CO2.

Dennis Byrne: Sick and tired of that global warming whine | Climate Realists

For all the condemnation about "anti-science deniers" on the right, the truth is that actual anti-science folks are the ones on the left using bad science to try to scare the bejabbers out of us.

...The alarmists have become more aware of the PR dangers of issuing unqualified doomsday predictions with every heat wave, hurricane or wildfire that happens along. To sound more reasonable, they now pepper their propaganda with cautions about how individual events, unusual precipitation or record temperatures do not necessarily prove the hypotheses of climate alarmists.

That's because the public is catching on. Public opinion polls might not show it — yet — but my guess is that alarmists have played the catastrophe card several times too often. Americans will increasingly disregard the alarmists' hyperventilating. Because they are bored by it. Or disgusted by the shameful use of human tragedy to make a political point.

Canada's PM Stephen Harper faces revolt by [junk?] scientists | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Scientists to march through Ottawa in white lab coats in protest at cuts to research and environmental damage

...Andrew Weaver, a climate scientist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, was even more pointed. "It's not about saving money. It's about imposing ideology," he said. "What's happening here is that the government has an ideological agenda to develop the Canadian economy based on the extraction of oil out of the Alberta tar sands as quickly as possible and sell it as fast as it can, come hell and high water, and eliminate any barriers that stand in their way."

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