Friday, August 17, 2012

From NASA: More taxpayer funding of global warming hoax propaganda?

UNL Online Climate Research Applications Course | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, or UNL, offers K-12 science educators the opportunity to take part in the development of a new online master's-level course in Climate Research Applications funded by the NASA Innovations in Climate Education program.

Climate change issues will serve as a context to develop research questions and design a discrete, locally oriented research project through which they define a problem, analyze data and develop conclusions to potentially impact decision-making in their communities. Educators are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to expand their knowledge of climate change, as well as their available tools for educating students and their local communities. Participants will earn three graduate-level credit hours through UNL, as well as a stipend to cover tuition costs.


Dan Pangburn said...

The average global temperature trend has been flat since 2001. No amount of spin can rationalize that the CO2 increase caused the temperature increase to 2001 but that 25.2% additional CO2 increase had no effect on average global temperature after 2001.

Dan Pangburn said...

The average global temperature trend has been flat since 2001. No amount of spin can rationalize that the CO2 increase caused the temperature increase to 2001 but that 25.2% additional CO2 increase had no effect on average global temperature after 2001.