Friday, August 17, 2012

Intermission (And Why Bill McKibben is an Utter Fool) « NoFrakkingConsensus
Bill McKibben is in desperate need of a history lesson. There is no emotionally-satisfying, tidy parallel between fighting fossil fuel companies and fighting apartheid. His supposed good guys are up to their eyeballs in money associated with big oil, big tobacco, and racist oppression.

McKibben also needs to grow up. It’s embarrassing to be his age (52) and to still think the world is a comic book. Fossil fuel companies are not uber villains. Green activists are not remotely like superheroes. Indeed, they are looking more and more like bumbling, ineffectual whiners.
C3: July 2012: "This is what global warming looks like" - When Facts Demolish Clownville
NASA just posted their July 2012 global temperature dataset - the hysterical global warming claims made in July don't comport with what looks more like global cooling
- Bishop Hill blog - The Bishop, the Sky and the Leveson Inquiry
The Leveson Inquiry has just published a submission from myself and Tony Newbery of the Harmless Sky blog.

The submission was prompted by Fiona Fox's evidence to the inquiry, which told a tale of wicked journalists distorting the results of noble scientists. Tony was aware, however, that the origin of the distortion was not in fact in the media but in a press release prepared by the scientists themselves, with assistance from Fox's own Science Media Centre. We have attempted to fill in some of these details for the inquiry.

The submission also covers the BBC's handling of climate science and controversies over Climategate.

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