Tuesday, September 04, 2012

- Bishop Hill blog - Stern exposed
Richard Tol's foreword is hardly less sharply worded:
Sir Nicholas, now Lord Stern, was portrayed as an expert even though he had never published before on the economics of energy, environment or climate.
The Stern Review was a tactical masterstroke, but it will likely prove to be a strategic blunder. Its academic value is zero.
Reply to article: Sea level rise by James Macdonald, Meteorologist | Climate Realists
Your article on sea level rise contains ridiculous predictions.

Based on the present rate of sea level rise, which even your article pegs at about 2 millimeters per year, the rise for the next century would only be about 8 inches, not three feet! Statements that it is accelerating are pure nonsense. Worldwide, there has been no warming in the last 14 years. Only in the United States have we had a warm year so far after a very cold winter two years ago.

At the same time the Arctic regions have been colder than normal for the past 12 months. The Southern hemisphere has also had no warming. The major icecaps are not melting and the South Pole ice is getting thicker..

This all adds up to no acceleration of sea level rise. No one knows whether our climate will get warmer or colder in the next century. This will be governed by the sun and the ocean oscillations.

James Macdonald, retired meteorologist
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: People on East coast have no ...
People on East coast have no idea how bad some of the hurricanes in the last warm AMO were. We have seen nothing in comparison
Twitter / RyanMaue: For fun, type some of these ...
For fun, type some of these climate scientists in the FEC campaign contribution websites -- you'll see no surprises, lotta Obama donors.
Twitter / aDissentient: Cold in Oz and Europe, hot ...
Cold in Oz and Europe, hot in US. I wonder if 2012 is about redistribution of heat rather than warming.

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