Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Great quote by paranoid left-wing climate hoax promoter Michael Mann: "its not hard to imagine basements full of individuals financed by Koch-funded front groups whose job it is to post climate change disinformation and smears to newsgroups, blog comments, and news article threads"

@Chronicle... | Facebook
[comment by] Michael E. Mann Kevan, its not hard to imagine basements full of individuals financed by Koch-funded front groups whose job it is to post climate change disinformation and smears to newsgroups, blog comments, and news article threads. In fact, we know this sort of thing is going up (google "HB Gary"). Sometimes it difficult to distinguish real commenters from the ringers/hired hands. In any case, the best thing to do is to post science-based responses, links to authoritative information from sites like Skeptical Science, RealClimate, the National Academy, NSF, DOE, EPA, etc...
Sunday at 7:46pm · 5


Anonymous said...

The silence of the Kochs (and others)! If I was its CEO, I'd want to sue Mann.

The warmists libel the energy industry all the time. Coal comes from Factories of Death. Big Oil has conspired to destroy the American public for profit. Koch funds Goerbels-like propaganda machines. You'd think some investors would be offended enough to say, "Enough!".

Villification of a company depresses share value. You'd think some legal beagle and a skeptic shareholder would see common ground to put the Mann-ists in their place.

Who said that for evil to exist, it is not necessary for good men to do evil, but simply to do nothing in the face of evil?

Eric Simpson said...

This type of quote by Mann demonstrates the leftist ideology that motivates this hockey stick fabricator. Previously I'd heard him described as a liberal activist type, but other than the fact that he gradudated from Berkeley, I hadn't seen a lot of evidence for this. The quote shows the truth, Mann is a leftist ideologue... masquerading as an impartial scientist!

Anonymous said...

Mann's parents are socialists.