Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fox: Hurricane Sandy Has "Nothing To Do With Global Warming" | Research | Media Matters for America
climate scientists agree [do they?] that global warming has exacerbated the flooding from storms like Sandy, and is expected to increase the severity of hurricanes.
Rep. Waxman seeks lame-duck hearing on Sandy, climate change links - The Hill's E2-Wire
The top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee is urging Republicans to hold a hearing in the lame-duck session on links between climate change and Hurricane Sandy.
Wednesday’s letter argues that regardless of what happens at the ballot box in November, “the election should be a time to return to fact-based policymaking.”

Hurricane Sandy is exactly the type of extreme weather event that climate scientists have said will become more frequent and more severe if we fail to reduce our carbon [sic] pollution. That is why we are writing to request that you hold a hearing on the storm and its relation to climate change in the lame-duck session,” Waxman and Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), a top lieutenant on the committee, wrote.
Cameron Fenton: Sandy: The Poster Storm for Climate Change
as long as business as usual continues this is the new normal
D. R. Tucker: None Dare Call It Reason
The next time you hear a cable-news pundit or op-ed columnist poke fun at climate science after a major snowstorm, ask yourself if these folks are even capable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time.

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