Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We must prepare for extreme weather events, not vainly try to stop them | Frontier Centre
[Tom Harris] perhaps most significant, the northern Polar Jet Stream pushed down into the Southern U.S. and presented a wall of cold air that Sandy ran into, prolonging its stay over the Eastern Seaboard and diverting its path into the coast more than would otherwise be the case.
NBC Hypes Weather Forecasters Factoring 'Global Warming' Into Hurricane Predictions |
Simmons then cited Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to bolster the point
Eco Sheep In The Cooling Towers « Tory Aardvark
Baaaa, the global Green opposition to Shale Gas which has to be stopped because it is affordable and is killing the preferred Green option of intermittent renewables like wind, tidal and solar.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper falsifies basis of the theory of man-made global warming
A paper published today in Environmental Research Letters shows that the "hot spot" or "fingerprint of man-made global warming" predicted by climate computer models is indeed missing from satellite observations. Climate models predict more warming in the upper tropical troposphere than the lower troposphere allegedly due to "heat-trapping" from increased greenhouse gases. However, satellite observations do not show the warming trend predicted by models, and thus the basis of the theory of man-made global warming is falsified.
Quote of the Week: rationalizing deceptive practices in ‘Tabloid Climatology’ | Watts Up With That?
“This is a Sophie’s Choice: If we respond to the moral imperative to raise public awareness and alarm about climate, we have to be deceptive.

If we are committed to truth and scientific accuracy, we have to talk in hedged, caveat-filled, probabilistic language that is utterly ineffectual in reaching and activating a tuned-out public.” -David Roberts, Grist

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