Monday, October 08, 2012

Middle School Physics Quiz For Alarmists | Real Science
Why is the weather so calm in Arizona, and so stormy in the Arctic?

According to numb-nuts brain-damaged alarmists, this is because “more energy in the system” produces stronger storms.
The New Nostradamus of the North: Adapting to a world with people "walking around three feet tall"
I joke about this all the time - we’re going to be walking around three feet tall if we keep going the way we’re going [emitting CO2?],” Gingerich, of the University of Michigan, said. “Maybe that’s not all bad and if that’s the worst it gets, it will be fine. You can either adapt, or you go extinct, or you can move, and there’s not a lot of place to move anymore, so I think it’s a matter of adaptation and becoming smaller.”
Flashback: Why are we getting taller as a species?: Scientific American
over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations has increased approximately 10 centimeters (about four inches).
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows sea levels around Australia have declined over the past 7000 years
A new paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews is the "First synthesis of post-glacial sea level data around Australia in over 25 years," and shows that sea levels around Australia were from about 1 to 2.5 meters higher than the present 7000 years ago during the Holocene Thermal Maximum [which lasted 4000 years between 9000 to 5000 years ago]. The authors note that Australia is relatively stable techtonically and thus sea level data is not complicated by post-glacial isostatic and other adjustments, which would add considerable uncertainty to sea level reconstructions.
Wind Turbine Industry Collapsing, Green Jobs Flee To China | The Resilient Earth
Is it any wonder that solar cells, let alone wind turbines, cannot be manufactured profitably anywhere in the developed world? But then, the imbecility of politicians knows no bounds. If there is a bright spot in all of this energy mismanagement it is that fracking has delivered an energy boost that politicians have not yet managed to mess up. Simply put, there is no energy crisis except the one that our leaders have manufactured for us, through ignorance and wrongheaded policies.

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