Thursday, November 01, 2012

1932 : Darwin’s Son Said Civilization Was Doomed Unless We Adopted The Core Of The Nazi Belief System | Real Science

Leave It To The Global Warming Alarmists To "Make Fake Lemonade" Out Of Hurricane Sandy - Forbes
Leave it to global warming alarmists to exploit the innocent victims of a human tragedy like Hurricane Sandy to spread the laughably false notion that global warming caused the storm. While our nation should be coming together to support the victims and repair the damage, far too many alarmists are cynically prostituting the tragedy under Rahm Emanuel’s theory of “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Shame on those alarmists for asserting a false connection to global warming to “make lemonade” out of this tragedy.
Gavin’s explanation of Climategate’s early hours – then and now | Watts Up With That?
It seems absolutely clear now that Dr. Schmidt already knew the emails were “legitimate” days and hours before and was telling a lie to Lucia to prevent/forestall the release of the truth.
Does Public Transportation Save Energy? | Planet3.0
The electric bicycle is the most energy-efficient, lowest carbon-footprint way to get around that’s known to mankind. Eco-warriors, take note.  [So don't laugh at the pious left-wing professor tooling around in the rain on his electric bicycle.  He's heroically preventing bad weather for the people of 2112!!]

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