Thursday, November 01, 2012

Proof of global warming, Bloomberg Businessweek-style?: Warmist Paul Barrett refers us to an "illuminating" tweet from another warmist

It's Global Warming, Stupid - Businessweek
An unscientific survey of the social networking literature on Sandy reveals an illuminating tweet (you read that correctly) from Jonathan Foley, director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota. On Oct. 29, Foley thumbed thusly: “Would this kind of storm happen without climate change? Yes. Fueled by many factors. Is storm stronger because of climate change? Yes.”
Paul M. Barrett - Businessweek
Barrett is a graduate of Harvard Law School and holds an A.B. from Harvard College. He teaches as an adjunct professor at New York University Law School.
Jonathan Foley | Profile on
Dr. Jonathan Foley focusses on the complex relationship between global environmental systems and human civilization, using computer models to analyze changes in land use, ecosystems and resources around the world.
Flashback: Shortly after pointing us at his article on how to save the world from CO2, "GlobalEcoGuy" [Jonathan Foley] complains about his upcoming 19-hour fossil-fueled flight to Australia

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