Thursday, November 08, 2012

Too funny: RealClimate's Gavin Schmidt writes a smug post about how ill-advised it is to criticize statistical wunderkind Nate Silver, not long after RealClimate's Michael Mann wrote a piece entitled "FiveThirtyEight: The Number of Things Nate Silver Gets Wrong About Climate Change"

RealClimate: Trying to shoot the messenger
...Contrarian attacks on climate science, right?

Actually no. This was assorted conservative punditry attacking Nate Silver (of the 538 blog) because his (Bayesian) projections for Tuesday’s election didn’t accord with what they wanted to hear. The leap from asking questions to cherry-picking, accusations of malfeasance and greed, audits, denial, and wish-casting was quite rapid, but it followed a very familiar pattern. People who value their personal attachments above objective knowledge seem to spend an inordinate amount of time finding reasons to dismiss the messenger when they don’t like the message.
Sept 2012: Michael E. Mann: FiveThirtyEight: The Number of Things Nate Silver Gets Wrong About Climate Change

1 comment:

YFNWG said...

Read this article. Mann may want to back track some more.