Saturday, December 08, 2012

Doha Fails Utterly – Only 37 Countries Agree To Extend Old Kyoto Treaty! “Lots Of Declarations Of Intent”
The German media report that only a totally lame climate treaty compromise was reached in Doha: Kyoto I will be extended until 2020.
For those calling for rapid reductions in CO2 emissions, the result in Doha can only be described as an utter disaster. The Doha agreement will do absolutely nothing to curb CO2 growth, let alone cut net CO2 emissions.
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: @billmckibben How did 8 MAJOR ...
@billmckibben How did 8 MAJOR hurricanes hit the east coast in 7 years 54-60? Heh Bill notice more people living on coast now?
Doha: climate change talks end with compensation deal for poor nations that could cost billions - Telegraph
Britain faces paying billions of pounds in compensation to less developed countries as part of a new international deal on climate change.
Twitter / A_Liberty_Rebel: How many elderly cld be saved ...
How many elderly cld be saved from dying of cold/fuel poverty this winter with £bns that eco-idiot Davey has committed UK to at #COP18 Doha?

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