Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Global Warming: Skeptic or Believer - AccuWeather.com
[4-min video featuring meteorologists] It's been debated for many years. Global warming is a hot topic and we asked around to see what some people think about the subject. Valerie Smock has more.
The Leaked AR5 Report And Global Temperature | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
It is obvious that none of the IPCC projections were any good. The inclusion of the 2012 data, which I hope will be in the 2013 report, will make the comparison between real and predicted effects appear ever starker.

In summary, the global temperature of the past 16 years is a real effect that in any realistic and thorough analysis of the scientific literature is seen to be a significant problem for climate science, indeed it may currently be the biggest problem in climate science. To have it swept under the carpet with a selective use of data and reference material supported by cherry-picked data and timescales is not going to advance its understanding, and is also a disservice to science.
Twitter / clv101: @RichardTol @mark_lynas Near ...
@RichardTol @mark_lynas Near term benefits of coal do not outweigh wider and longer damage. Light today not worth +4C tomorrow. #addiction
Twitter / mark_lynas: @clv101 @RichardTol Try living ...
@clv101 @RichardTol Try living without electricity. Biomass kills 100,000s every year.

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