Sunday, December 02, 2012

Left-wingers get way too excited about Lolly Hellman's belief in the global warming hoax; fail to mention that she's a self-described "hippie" from California with no college education

Brainwashed Fox News Viewer: Shocking Climate Change Evidence Changed My Mind! - YouTube
After watching the film, a loyal Fox News viewer [Lolly Hellman] gave a heartwarming testimonial on how the film changed her feelings on Climate Change and how she must take action to undo what she and Fox News has done... Lolly Hellman "Avid Bookreader"'s review of [Jimi Hendrix] Axis Bold As Love (Vinyl)
I'm a hippie, at least I was 40 years ago and "Axix, Bold as Love" is hot hot hot! Listening to it with my eyes closed put a smile on face that i could not remove for days. This was a good time in my life. I had left home early because my father raped me, people who I didn't even know down at Venice beach, let me live with them and fed me and still go to school. This album was played every night and even though I did not smoke pot at the time i would close my eyes and get just as high as everyone else in the room.
We Hear You - March issue | MORE Magazine
[Lolly Hellman, Venice Beach, CA] I have no college education
To find the true Dodgers family, look up - Los Angeles Times
No, Lolly's nothing special, she'll tell you that directly. Sure, she is not to be ignored, the product of a rough upbringing, some lousy career luck and a diseased kidney she says her HMO won't remove.

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