Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Man The Lifeboats! Global Warming Has Oceans Rising At Alarming Rate! (Or Maybe not) - Forbes
...Such rates of Greenland ice loss were barely larger than the margin of error in their readings, making it difficult to discern any difference between a supposed loss curve on a graph from a straight line. At the current rate, it will cause sea levels to rise about 2.4 inches over the next century. And according to the authors: “At current melt rates, the Greenland ice sheet would take about 13,000 years to melt completely, which would result in a global sea level rise of more than 21 feet (6.5 meters).”

The good news is that we are scheduled for the next Ice Age long before that. It should give Al Gore at least some comfort knowing that.
‘Fracking’ overtakes ‘climate change’ in Google searches | The Dickinson Press | Dickinson, North Dakota
This year, for the first time, U.S. online searches for the term “fracking” became more popular than “climate change,” Google data showed. Fracking has doubled on Google’s popularity index since last year, and while “global warming” still draws more hits, the gap is narrowing.
CapitalClimate: Snowiest Christmas on Record at Little Rock, Second Highest All-Time December Amount
The 9.0" at Adams Field is more than double the old record of 4.2" for December 25. It is also the second highest for any day in December since Little Rock snowfall records began in 1875.
Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, nuclear arms second | Washington Times Communities
With the possible exception of former Vice President Al Gore, Senator Kerry has been the most fervent climate [bedwetter] in the United States Congress.

During the next four years, look for Secretary Kerry to boost efforts in a futile fight to stop global warming. The real problems of the world, such as hunger, poverty and disease in developing nations, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation, may need to take a back seat.

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